Where are you based and do you travel?
We are located in Lanoka Harbor, NJ - We do travel!
When will we get our photos?
You will receive an online gallery link with all your photos within 1-2 weeks for most family photos and events (sometimes less/sometimes more depending on the season). You can download all the photos from the gallery provided. Share them, download them & choose your favorites!! Unlimited downloads always.
Do you charge a travel fee?
If you are within 150 miles of us we do not. We increase our rate based on how many additional miles and any additional expenses will be incurred (tolls, gas and overnight costs)
How many pictures will we receive?
Family Sessions, Newborn, Maternity, Engagement typically will receive 60-100 fully edited images. Events and parties are usually several hundred.
How long is our online gallery active?
90 days! If you have not uploaded your photos or if you have lost them we can make a new link. It is a $25.00 archive fee to do so.
How long is your session?
We book 45 mins for all Family and Maternity sessions. Depending on cooperation from the kiddos it could be a little less.
Engagement sessions are booked for 1 hour.
Newborn sessions vary for several reasons. ( baby fussy, etc..) We usually have everything completed within an hour.